Battery refers to an allegation of violence against another person or any impermissible contact with another person. Assault refers to the threat of violence to another person. Mr. Moffitt knows that Assault or Battery are serious allegations. The State Attorney has the option to file as a Misdemeanor or Felony depending on the facts of the case. For example, if a weapon is used, the State Attorney will typically file the charge as a Felony. There is hope however. Let an experienced and dedicated Attorney help you.
If filed a Felony, an Assault or Battery charge can carry a potentially lengthy prison sentence if convicted. A conviction for Assault or Battery can have a long term impact your future. A conviction may result in a person becoming a Convicted Felon, going to Jail, being placed on Probation and/or undergoing Counseling.
There are many ways to mount a defense in an Assault or Battery case. The questions he will ask will determine what is the best strategy for your defense. Were you defending yourself? Were you defending another? Who was struck first and why? Without asking questions of everyone involved in an Assault or Battery case, your chances increase that you’ll be convicted.
Do not take risks with your rights and freedom. Make sure you hire a Criminal Defense Attorney with a proven track record of success.
Many times Mr. Moffitt is able to negotiate with the State Attorney’s office resulting in dropped or reduced charges saving clients from costly fines, Probation or even incarceration.
If you have been arrested on Assault or Battery charges in Naples or Fort Myers, call Mr. Moffitt. Having a Criminal Defense Attorney that has practiced in Naples and Fort Myers for over 20 years, he offers you the experience and knowledge you are going to need to mount your defense. Please call him at 239–298–6538. This is his cell phone number so you can reach him directly or feel free to send him a text message.