There has been a tremendous amount of money invested by the State, and County Governments to fight the war on drugs. The end result of this is the incarceration of too many people on drug related offenses. There are minimum sentencing guidelines, and prison time should be the number one concern. The minimum sentence for someone possessing or intending to distribute narcotics has been drastically increased over the last ten years. Drug crimes in Naples and Fort Myers usually involve the sale or possession of Cocaine, Heroin, Crystal Meth, Marijuana, Prescription Pain Killers and Fentanyl. The State of Florida is the leader in prescription drug offenses in the nation.
There are many questions to be asked in drug crime cases. Were you illegally stopped by the police? Did they find drug evidence in your car or home? Were you legally searched? After your arrest, what did you say to the police? The answers to questions like these and many others will determine what the court takes into account and what a jury is allowed to hear.
Success in drug cases can’t always be measured in guilty vs. not guilty. Discussion of plea agreements and diversion programs can be the difference between lengthy prison sentences and probation.
If you have been arrested for any crime in Naples or Fort Myers do not waste time before calling Mr. Moffitt. Having a criminal defense attorney that has practiced law in Naples and Fort Myers for over 20 years, he offers you the experience and knowledge you are going to need to mount your defense. Please call him at 239–298–6538. This is his cell phone number so you can reach him directly or feel free to send him a text message.