Criminal Defense Attorney serving SWFL


If you have been charged with a crime of theft, please contact Mr. Moffitt before speaking to law enforcement or permitting a search of your property. You have rights under the Constitution that need protecting. He will use his familiarity with the nuances of the various theft laws in Florida to do all that is possible to preserve your rights and secure a favorable result in your case. It all depends on the circumstances of the crime, such as the value of the property taken, any prior theft-related convictions, or other circumstances. Petit theft is charged when the value of the property is less than $750. In most cases, first offenses of petit theft/shoplifting can be punishable by a small fine and 1 year of probation. In some cases, a first time offense can result in a diversion program, thus eliminating any criminal convictions. A second or third theft/shoplifting offense is a much more serious matter, which can be filed as a Felony. Grand theft is charged when a person steals goods worth over $750. It is a serious offense and can be charged as either as a Misdemeanor or a Felony. With a grand theft charge, you could be facing any number of penalties, including county jail or state prison, probation, restitution, and fines. If you have been arrested for a crime of theft in Naples or Fort Myers call Mr. Moffitt. Having a Criminal Defense Attorney that has practiced law in Naples and Fort Myers for over 20 years, he offers you the experience and knowledge you are going to need to mount your defense. Please call him at 239–298–6538. This is his cell phone number so you can reach him directly or feel free to send him a text message.